""" A grammar for parsing CNF files If this module is run directly in python, it will spit out valid python which produces an oracle table for the grammar it defines. It's recommended that this be done using `build_oracle.sh` instead, however, which will build a whole python module containing the oracle table, complete with imports. """ from emis_funky_funktions import * from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import auto, IntEnum from re import compile, Pattern from lex import Lexeme from parse import Action from typing import Any, Callable, Collection, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, TypeAlias class Tok(IntEnum): """ All possible tokens used in the grammar """ Newline = auto() Whitespace = auto() PredicateSection = auto() VariablesSection = auto() ConstantsSection = auto() FunctionsSection = auto() ClausesSection = auto() Negate = auto() OpenP = auto() CloseP = auto() Comma = auto() Identifier = auto() Eof = auto() def __repr__(self): return self._name_ LEX_TABLE: Collection[Tuple[Pattern[str], Tok]] = [ (compile(r"\n"), Tok.Newline), (compile(r"[ \t]+"), Tok.Whitespace), (compile("Predicates:"), Tok.PredicateSection), (compile("Variables:"), Tok.VariablesSection), (compile("Constants:"), Tok.ConstantsSection), (compile("Functions:"), Tok.FunctionsSection), (compile("Clauses:"), Tok.ClausesSection), (compile("!"), Tok.Negate), (compile(r"\("), Tok.OpenP), (compile(r"\)"), Tok.CloseP), (compile(","), Tok.Comma), (compile(r"\w+"), Tok.Identifier), ] """ A mapping of regexs to the tokens the identify Tokens earlier on in the list should be regarded as higher priority, even if a match lower on the list also matches. All unicode strings should be matched by at least one token. """ class Variable(IntEnum): Start = auto() Idents = auto() Clauses = auto() Clauses_ = auto() Clause = auto() Clause_ = auto() Term = auto() Func = auto() CSTerms = auto() def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<{self._name_}>' ASTTerm: TypeAlias = 'ASTNegated | ASTProp' @dataclass(frozen=True) class ASTNegated: term: ASTTerm def make_ir(self, props: Sequence[str], var: Sequence[str]) -> 'IRNeg': return IRNeg(self.term.make_ir(props, var)) @dataclass(frozen=True) class ASTProp: ident: Lexeme[Tok] arguments: Sequence[ASTTerm] def make_ir(self, props: Sequence[str], vars: Sequence[str]) -> 'IRVar | IRProp': if self.ident.matched_string in props: return IRProp(self.ident, [t.make_ir(props, vars) for t in self.arguments]) elif self.ident.matched_string in vars: if len(self.arguments): raise Exception('Bad arg count!') #TODO else: return IRVar(self.ident) else: raise Exception('Unidentified!') #TODO @dataclass(frozen=True) class IRProp: lexeme: Lexeme[Tok] arguments: 'Sequence[IRTerm]' def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{self.lexeme.matched_string}({",".join(str(arg) for arg in self.arguments)})' @dataclass(frozen=True) class IRVar: lexeme: Lexeme[Tok] def __str__(self) -> str: return f'*{self.lexeme.matched_string}' @dataclass(frozen=True) class IRNeg: inner: 'IRTerm' def __str__(self) -> str: return f'¬{self.inner}' IRTerm: TypeAlias = IRVar | IRProp | IRNeg def make_ir( predicate_idents: Sequence[Lexeme[Tok]], variable_idents: Sequence[Lexeme[Tok]], const_idents: Sequence[Lexeme[Tok]], func_idents: Sequence[Lexeme[Tok]], clauses: Sequence[Sequence[ASTTerm]], ) -> Sequence[Sequence[IRTerm]]: prop_idents = [l.matched_string for l in (*const_idents, *func_idents, *predicate_idents)] var_idents = [l.matched_string for l in variable_idents] return [[term.make_ir(prop_idents, var_idents) for term in clause] for clause in clauses] def cons(stack: Sequence[Any]) -> Sequence[Any]: match stack: case [rest, head, *popped_stack]: return ((head, *rest), *popped_stack) case bad_stack: raise Exception("Unexpected stack state!", bad_stack) nil: Sequence[Any] = tuple() @cur2 def introduce( cons: Any, stack: Sequence[Any] ) -> Sequence[Any]: return (cons, *stack) def f_apply(stack: Sequence[Any]) -> Sequence[Any]: match stack: case [arg, func, *popped_stack] if hasattr(func, '__call__'): return (func(arg), *popped_stack) raise Exception("Unexpected stack state!", stack) @cur2 def call_func(func: Callable[[Any], Any], stack: Sequence[Any]) -> Sequence[Any]: match stack: case [arg, *popped_stack]: return (func(arg), *popped_stack) case bad_stack: raise Exception("Unexpected stack state!", bad_stack) def drop(stack: Sequence[Any]) -> Sequence[Any]: return stack[1:] GRAMMAR: Sequence[Tuple[Variable, Sequence[Variable | Tok | Action]]] = [ (Variable.Start, [ Tok.PredicateSection, drop, Variable.Idents, call_func(p(p,p,p,p,make_ir)), Tok.Newline, drop , Tok.VariablesSection, drop, Variable.Idents, f_apply, Tok.Newline, drop , Tok.ConstantsSection, drop, Variable.Idents, f_apply, Tok.Newline, drop , Tok.FunctionsSection, drop, Variable.Idents, f_apply, Tok.Newline, drop , Tok.ClausesSection, drop, Variable.Clauses, f_apply, Tok.Eof, drop] ), (Variable.Idents, [ Tok.Identifier, Variable.Idents, cons ]), (Variable.Idents, [ introduce(nil) ]), (Variable.Clauses, [ Tok.Newline, drop, Variable.Clauses_ ]), (Variable.Clauses, [ introduce(nil) ]), (Variable.Clauses_, [ Variable.Clause, Variable.Clauses, cons ]), (Variable.Clauses_, [ introduce(nil) ]), (Variable.Clause, [ Variable.Term, Variable.Clause_, cons ]), (Variable.Clause_, [ Variable.Clause ]), (Variable.Clause_, [ introduce(nil) ]), (Variable.Term, [ Tok.Negate, drop, Variable.Term, call_func(ASTNegated) ]), (Variable.Term, [ Tok.Identifier, call_func(cur2(ASTProp)), Variable.Func, f_apply ]), (Variable.Func, [ Tok.OpenP, drop, Variable.Term, Variable.CSTerms, cons, Tok.CloseP, drop ]), (Variable.Func, [ introduce(nil) ]), (Variable.CSTerms, [ Tok.Comma, drop, Variable.Term, Variable.CSTerms, cons ]), (Variable.CSTerms, [ introduce(nil) ]), ] """ Implements the following grammar: Start := PredicateSection Newline VariablesSection Newline ConstantsSection Newline FunctionsSection Newline ClausesSection Eof Idents := Identifier := ε Clauses := Newline := ε Clauses' := := ε Clause := Clause' := := ε Term := Negate := Identifier Func? := OpenP CloseP := ε CSTerms := Comma := ε """ if __name__ == '__main__': # from emis_funky_funktions import cur2, flip # from build_oracle import print_oracle_table_enum, oracle_table # print(print_oracle_table_enum(oracle_table(flip(cur2(isinstance))(Tok), GRAMMAR))) #type: ignore from build_oracle import oracle_table from parse import parser from lex import tokenize with open('sample.cnf') as file: lexemes = unwrap_r(tokenize(LEX_TABLE, [Tok.Whitespace], Tok.Eof, file.read())) oracle_table_ = oracle_table(p_instance(Tok), p_instance(Variable), GRAMMAR) #type:ignore parser_ = parser(oracle_table_, flip(cur2(getattr))('token'), Variable.Start) maybe_ast = parser_(lexemes) match maybe_ast: case Ok([ast]): print('\n'.join(' or '.join(str(t) for t in c) for c in ast)) case Ok(huh): print('Unexpected end result: ', huh) case Err((Lexeme(token, text, line, col_start, col_end), expected)): print(f'Parse error! Line {line}:{col_start}-{col_end}\n\nGot: {repr(text)}\nExpected: {expected}')