Fix failing doctests in

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Emi Simpson 2023-03-06 12:07:49 -05:00
parent 57130c9233
commit 0605b759f0
Signed by: Emi
GPG key ID: A12F2C2FFDC3D847

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def try_lex1(regex: Pattern[str], tok: A, input: str, line_no: int, col_no: int)
matched, and the rest of the input. Otherwise, returns `None`
>>> try_lex1(compile(r'\d+'), "NUMBER", "123abc", 1, 1)
Some((['NUMBER': '123']@(1, 1-4), 'abc'))
Some((['NUMBER': '123']@(1, 1-3), 'abc'))
>>> try_lex1(compile(r'\d+'), "NUMBER", "abc123", 1, 1) is None
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ def tokenize(
If the lexer is unable to match the input string with any of the tokens, then an `Err`
is returned containing the section of the input that failed to match.
>>> tokenize(LEX_TABLE, [Tok.Whitespace], 'Clauses: \\n!man(x5) person') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Ok([[ClausesSection: 'Clauses:']@(1, 1-9), [Newline: '\\n']@(1, 10-11),
[Negate: '!']@(2, 1-2), [Identifier: 'man']@(2, 2-5), [OpenP: '(']@(2, 5-6),
[Identifier: 'x5']@(2, 6-8), [CloseP: ')']@(2, 8-9),
[Identifier: 'person']@(2, 10-16)])
>>> tokenize(LEX_TABLE, [Tok.Whitespace], Tok.Eof, 'Clauses: \\n!man(x5) person') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Ok([[ClausesSection: 'Clauses:']@(1, 1-8), [Newline: '\\n']@(1, 10-10),
[Negate: '!']@(2, 1-1), [Identifier: 'man']@(2, 2-4), [OpenP: '(']@(2, 5-5),
[Identifier: 'x5']@(2, 6-7), [CloseP: ')']@(2, 8-8),
[Identifier: 'person']@(2, 10-15), [Eof: '']@(2, 16-16)])
>>> tokenize(LEX_TABLE, [Tok.Whitespace], 'Clauses: \\n🍆 !man(x5)')
>>> tokenize(LEX_TABLE, [Tok.Whitespace], Tok.Eof,'Clauses: \\n🍆 !man(x5)')
Err('🍆 !man(x5)')
def inner(input: str, line_no: int, col_no: int, prefix: List[Lexeme[A]]) -> Result[List[Lexeme[A]], str]: