Big refactor + multilicense support + basic license building
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
module License exposing
( assemble
, compileTemplate
, DownloadType (..)
, downloadExt
, download
, downloadMime
, empty
, License
, LicenseInfo
, Template
, ModuleInfo
, moduleSorter
, toggleModule
import Html exposing (Html)
import Sort exposing (Sorter)
import Sort.Set as Set exposing (Set)
import File.Download as Download
-- Download Types
type DownloadType
= Plain
| Markdown
| Html
downloadMime : DownloadType -> String
downloadMime dtype =
case dtype of
Plain -> "text/plain"
Markdown -> "text/markdown"
Html -> "text/html"
downloadExt : DownloadType -> String
downloadExt dtype =
case dtype of
Plain -> "txt"
Markdown -> "md"
Html -> "html"
-- Modules
type alias ModuleInfo =
{ name: String
, desc: List (Html Never)
, index: Int
moduleSorter : (modtype -> ModuleInfo) -> Sorter modtype
moduleSorter info =
|||| (info >> .index) Sort.increasing
-- Templates
type alias Template modtype = List (Maybe modtype, String)
compileTemplate : Set modtype -> Template modtype -> String
compileTemplate modules template =
|> List.filterMap (checkTemplateFrame modules)
|> String.join ""
checkTemplateFrame : Set modtype -> (Maybe modtype, String) -> Maybe String
checkTemplateFrame modules (maybemod, content) =
case maybemod of
Just mod -> if Set.memberOf modules mod then Just content else Nothing
Nothing -> Just content
-- Licenses
type alias License modtype =
{ activeModules : Set modtype
, info : LicenseInfo modtype
type alias LicenseInfo modtype =
{ availableModules : List modtype
, templates : DownloadType -> Template modtype
, moduleInfo : modtype -> ModuleInfo
empty : LicenseInfo modtype -> License modtype
empty info =
(Set.empty (moduleSorter info.moduleInfo))
addOrRemove : Bool -> (a -> Set a -> Set a)
addOrRemove isAdding =
if isAdding
then Set.insert
else Set.remove
toggleModule : Bool -> modtype -> License modtype -> License modtype
toggleModule newState mod license =
{ license | activeModules = (addOrRemove newState) mod license.activeModules }
-- License Assembly
assemble : DownloadType -> License mtype -> String
assemble dtype license =
|||| dtype
|> compileTemplate license.activeModules
download : DownloadType -> License mtype -> Cmd msg
download dtype modules =
("LICENSE." ++ (downloadExt dtype))
(downloadMime dtype)
(assemble dtype modules)
@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
module Modules exposing
module License.Hippocratic exposing
( Module
, all_modules
, build_license
, download_license
, DownloadType(..)
, ModuleInfo
, module_info
, module_property
, module_desc
, module_sorter
, info
import Html exposing (Html, text, a)
import License exposing
( DownloadType
, LicenseInfo
, ModuleInfo
import Html exposing (text)
import Html exposing (a)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href)
import Sort exposing (Sorter)
import File.Download as Download
info : LicenseInfo Module
info =
{ availableModules = availableModules
, templates = getTemplate
, moduleInfo = moduleInfo
type Module
= CarbonUnderground
@ -34,8 +37,8 @@ type Module
| SupplyChain
| Copyleft
all_modules : List Module
all_modules =
availableModules : List Module
availableModules =
[ CarbonUnderground
, Ecocide
, Extractive
@ -54,14 +57,8 @@ all_modules =
, Copyleft
type alias ModuleInfo =
{ name: String
, desc: List (Html Never)
, index: Int
module_info : Module -> ModuleInfo
module_info mod = case mod of
moduleInfo : Module -> ModuleInfo
moduleInfo mod = case mod of
CarbonUnderground ->
{ name = "Carbon Underground 200"
, desc =
@ -239,45 +236,23 @@ module_info mod = case mod of
, index = 15
module_property : (ModuleInfo -> a) -> Module -> a
module_property adapter mod = adapter (module_info mod)
module_desc : Module -> List (Html a)
module_desc mod =
module_property .desc mod
|> ( never)
module_sorter : Sorter Module
module_sorter = (module_property .index) Sort.increasing
-- License Building
type DownloadType
= Plain
| Markdown
| Html
download_mime : DownloadType -> String
download_mime dtype =
case dtype of
Plain -> "text/plain"
Markdown -> "text/markdown"
Html -> "text/html"
download_ext : DownloadType -> String
download_ext dtype =
case dtype of
Plain -> "txt"
Markdown -> "md"
Html -> "html"
build_license : DownloadType -> List Module -> String
build_license dtype modules =
download_license : DownloadType -> List Module -> Cmd msg
download_license dtype modules =
("LICENSE." ++ (download_ext dtype))
(download_mime dtype)
(build_license dtype modules)
getTemplate : DownloadType -> List (Maybe Module, String)
getTemplate _ =
[ (Nothing, "Hippocratic filler text")
, (Just CarbonUnderground, "CU200 enabled")
, (Just Ecocide, "Ecocide enabled")
, (Just Extractive, "Extractive enabled")
, (Just BDS, "BDS enabled")
, (Just Taliban, "Taliban enabled")
, (Just Myanmar, "Myanmar enabled")
, (Just XinjiangUygar, "Uygar enabled")
, (Just UsTariff, "UST enabled")
, (Just Surveillance, "Surv enabled")
, (Just Military, "MILI enabled")
, (Just LawEnforcement, "COPS enabled")
, (Just Media, "MEDIA enabled")
, (Just SocialAuditing, "AUDIT enabled")
, (Just BoardOfDirectors, "BOD enabled")
, (Just SupplyChain, "CHAIN enabled")
, (Just Copyleft, "COPYLEFT enabled")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
module License.NPL exposing
( Module
, info
import License exposing
( DownloadType
, LicenseInfo
, ModuleInfo
import Html exposing (text)
info : LicenseInfo Module
info =
{ availableModules = availableModules
, templates = getTemplate
, moduleInfo = moduleInfo
type Module
= WorkerOwnership
| Attribution
availableModules : List Module
availableModules =
[ WorkerOwnership
, Attribution
moduleInfo : Module -> ModuleInfo
moduleInfo mod = case mod of
WorkerOwnership ->
{ name = "Worker Ownership"
, desc =
[ text
Restrict comercial use of your software to worker-owned businesses and
collectives. Rights are still granted for non-comercial use by traditional
businesses and individuals.
, index = 0
Attribution ->
{ name = "Attribution"
, desc =
[ text
Require that anyone who uses the software list your name/psuedonym, the original
title of the software, the website/repository of the project, and credit in the
case of attribution. You can always ask distributors to take down the attribution
as well
, index = 1
getTemplate : DownloadType -> List (Maybe Module, String)
getTemplate _ =
[ (Nothing, "NPL filler text")
, (Just WorkerOwnership, "+ Cooperative")
, (Just Attribution, "+ Attribution")
@ -1,21 +1,16 @@
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Sort.Set exposing (Set)
import Sort.Set as Set exposing (Set)
import Html exposing (Html, div, input, label, p, section, text, h3)
import Html.Events exposing (onCheck, onClick)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, type_, id)
import Modules exposing
( Module
, all_modules
, download_license
, DownloadType(..)
, module_property
, module_desc
, module_sorter
import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute)
import License exposing (License, DownloadType (..))
import License.Hippocratic as Hippocratic
import License.NPL as NPL
main: Program () Model Msg
main =
@ -30,65 +25,86 @@ subscriptions _ = Sub.none
-- INIT + Model
type SelectedLicense
= Hippocratic
type alias Model =
{ enabled_modules : Set Module
{ selected : SelectedLicense
, hippocratic : License Hippocratic.Module
, npl : License NPL.Module
init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init () =
( { enabled_modules = Sort.Set.empty module_sorter }
{ selected = Hippocratic
, hippocratic = License.empty
, npl = License.empty
, Cmd.none
type Msg
= ToggleModule Module Bool
| Download DownloadType
= SwitchLicense SelectedLicense
| ToggleModule AnyModule Bool
| Download License.DownloadType
add_or_remove : Bool -> (a -> Set a -> Set a)
add_or_remove active =
if active then
type AnyModule
= HippocraticMod Hippocratic.Module
| NPLMod NPL.Module
type alias ModuleWrapper mtype = mtype -> AnyModule
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
SwitchLicense newLicense ->
( { model | selected = newLicense }
, Cmd.none
ToggleModule mod enabled ->
( { model | enabled_modules = add_or_remove enabled mod model.enabled_modules }
( case mod of
HippocraticMod modu ->
{ model | hippocratic = License.toggleModule enabled modu model.hippocratic }
NPLMod modu ->
{ model | npl = License.toggleModule enabled modu model.npl }
, Cmd.none
Download dtype ->
( model , download_license dtype (Sort.Set.toList model.enabled_modules) )
( model
, case model.selected of
Hippocratic -> dtype model.hippocratic
NPL -> dtype model.npl
view_module_button : Set Module -> Module -> Html Msg
view_module_button enabled mod =
view_module_button : ModuleWrapper moduleType -> (moduleType -> License.ModuleInfo) -> Set moduleType -> moduleType -> Html Msg
view_module_button wrapModule moduleInfo enabled mod =
(class "module-button"
:: (if Sort.Set.memberOf enabled mod then [class "active"] else [])
:: (if Set.memberOf enabled mod then [class "active"] else [])
[ div []
[ div [class "cooler-checkbox"]
[ input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, onCheck (ToggleModule mod)
, onCheck (ToggleModule (wrapModule mod))
] []
, h3 [] [ text (module_property .name mod) ]
, p [] (module_desc mod)
, h3 [] [ text (.name (moduleInfo mod)) ]
, never (p [] (.desc (moduleInfo mod)))
view_modules : Set Module -> Html Msg
view_modules modules =
view_modules : ModuleWrapper moduleType -> License moduleType -> Html Msg
view_modules wrap license =
section [id "modules"] (
|> (view_module_button modules)
|> (view_module_button wrap license.activeModules)
view_cooler_button : String -> msg -> Html msg
@ -128,6 +144,8 @@ downloads =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [id "elm-area"]
[ view_modules model.enabled_modules
[ case model.selected of
Hippocratic -> view_modules HippocraticMod model.hippocratic
NPL -> view_modules NPLMod model.npl
, downloads
Reference in a new issue