
388 lines
17 KiB

using DSharpPlus;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using DSharpPlus.SlashCommands;
using SuperMachoBot;
namespace SuperMachoBot.Commands
public class SlashCommands : ApplicationCommandModule
public static string rootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
#region General Commands
[SlashCommand("Avatar", "Gets high resolution avatar of specified user.")]
public async Task AvatarCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("user", "Discord user to grab avatar from")] DiscordUser du)
var color = new DiscordColor(2, 200, 2);
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Title = du.Username,
Color = color,
ImageUrl = Tools.General.AvatarParser(du)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed);
Random rnd = new Random();
[SlashCommand("StatRoller", "Rolls character stats for d&d 5e using the 4d6k3 calculation")]
public async Task StatRollerCommand(InteractionContext ctx)
int[] stats = { StatRoller(), StatRoller(), StatRoller(), StatRoller(), StatRoller(), StatRoller() };
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"{stats[0]}\n{stats[1]}\n{stats[2]}\n{stats[3]}\n{stats[4]}\n{stats[5]}");
public int StatRoller()
int[] rolls = { rnd.Next(1, 7), rnd.Next(1, 7), rnd.Next(1, 7), rnd.Next(1, 7) };
int result = rolls[0] + rolls[1] + rolls[2] + rolls[3] - rolls.Min();
return result;
[SlashCommand("EmbedTest", "Tests discord embed feature lol")]
public async Task DebugEmbedCommand(InteractionContext ctx)
var color = new DiscordColor(200, 2, 2);
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Title = "bruh",
Description = "bruh",
Color = color
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed);
[SlashCommand("Banner", "Gets the banner of the current server.")]
public async Task GuildBannerCommand(InteractionContext ctx)
var bannerUrl = ctx.Guild.BannerUrl;
if (bannerUrl == null)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("Error! Current server does not have a banner!");
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
ImageUrl = bannerUrl
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed);
[SlashCommand("UserInfo", "Gets info from user")]
public async Task UserInfoCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("user", "Discord user to grab info from")] DiscordUser du)
var hashcode = du.GetHashCode();
string[] Info =
$"**Account Creation Date:** {du.CreationTimestamp}",
$"**Account ID:** {du.Id}",
$"**User Language:** (Currently not functional)",
$"**Is Bot?** {du.IsBot}",
$"**Is Discord Admin?:** {du.IsSystem}"
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Title = $"{du.Username}#{du.Discriminator}",
Description = $"{Info[0]} \n {Info[1]} \n {Info[2]} \n {Info[3]} \n {Info[4]}",
ImageUrl = Tools.General.AvatarParser(du)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed);
#region Economy Commands
[SlashCommand("Balance", "Checks your balance")]
public async Task BalanceCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("User", "User to check balance of")] DiscordUser du)
var entry = EconDatabaseChecker(du.Id, ctx.Guild.Id);
var entryParsed = entry[0].Split('|');
if (entry[0] == "noentry")
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("No entry found! Generating one, please try again.");
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"{du.Username}: ${entryParsed[1]}");
[ContextMenu(ApplicationCommandType.UserContextMenu, "Check balance")]
public async Task BalanceMenuCommand(ContextMenuContext ctx)
var entry = EconDatabaseChecker(ctx.TargetUser.Id, ctx.Guild.Id);
var entryParsed = entry[0].Split('|');
if (entry[0] == "noentry")
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("No entry found! Generating one, please try again.");
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"{ctx.TargetUser.Username}: ${entryParsed[1]}");
[SlashCommand("Daily", "Adds $100 to your balance")]
public async Task DailyCommand(InteractionContext ctx)
var path = $@"{rootPath}\EconomyDatabase\{ctx.Guild.Id}.csv";
var amount = 100;
var entry = EconDatabaseChecker(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id);
var entryParsed = entry[0].Split('|');
var entryNumber = Int32.Parse(entry[1]);
Int32 unixTimestamp = (Int32)(DateTime.Now.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;
if (entryParsed[2] == "none")
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
lines[entryNumber - 1] = $"{entryParsed[0]}|{entryParsed[1]}|{unixTimestamp}|";
WriteAllLinesBetter(path, lines);
AddSubtractUserMoney(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, amount);
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("First daily! Come back in 24 hours!");
Int32 secondsSinceLastDaily = unixTimestamp - Convert.ToInt32(entryParsed[2]);
if (secondsSinceLastDaily > 86400) //Check if a day has passed
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
lines[entryNumber - 1] = $"{entryParsed[0]}|{entryParsed[1]}|{unixTimestamp}|";
WriteAllLinesBetter(path, lines);
AddSubtractUserMoney(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, amount);
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("Daily claimed! Come back in 24 hours!");
else if (secondsSinceLastDaily < 86400)
var secondsUntilClaim = 86400 - secondsSinceLastDaily;
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"Daily already claimed! Come back in {secondsUntilClaim / 3600} hours!");
[SlashCommand("Transfer", "Transfer your money to another user.")]
public async Task TransferCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("Amount", "Amount to transfer")] long amount, [Option("User", "User to transfer money to")] DiscordUser du)
if(amount < 0)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("Negative amount detected! Sorry, robbery has not been implemented yet!");
AddSubtractUserMoney(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, -amount);
AddSubtractUserMoney(du.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, amount);
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"${amount} transferred from {ctx.User.Mention} to {du.Mention}");
[SlashCommand("Betflip", "Heads or Tails coinflip!")]
public async Task BetflipCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("Choice", "Heads or Tails? H or T? Choose your path wisely.")] string choice, [Option("Amount", "Real: (typing 'All' currently doesn't work, do it manually.)")] long betAmount)
var uid = ctx.User.Id;
var gid = ctx.Guild.Id;
var entry = EconDatabaseChecker(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id);
var entryParsed = entry[0].Split('|');
var playerMoney = Convert.ToInt64(entryParsed[1]);
var moneyEarned = 0;
if (betAmount > playerMoney)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("You do not have enough money!");
int flip = rnd.Next(1, 3); // 1 = heads, 2 = tails
string decision = "";
string headsURL = "";
string tailsURL = "";
switch (choice.ToLower())
case "h":
case "head":
case "heads":
decision = "heads";
case "t":
case "tail":
case "tails":
decision = "tails";
if (decision.ToLower() == "heads")
switch (flip)
case 1:
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed: new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = $"Heads! You win ${betAmount}!", ImageUrl = headsURL }.Build());
AddSubtractUserMoney(uid, gid, betAmount);
case 2:
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed: new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = $"Tails! You lose ${betAmount}!", ImageUrl = tailsURL }.Build());
AddSubtractUserMoney(uid, gid, -betAmount);
if (decision.ToLower() == "tails")
switch (flip)
case 1:
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("Heads! You lose!");
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed: new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = $"Heads! You lose ${betAmount}!", ImageUrl = headsURL }.Build());
AddSubtractUserMoney(uid, gid, -betAmount);
case 2:
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed: new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = $"Tails! You win ${betAmount}!", ImageUrl = tailsURL }.Build());
AddSubtractUserMoney(uid, gid, betAmount);
[SlashCommand("Wheel", "Roll the wheel of Macho Fortune!")]
public async Task WheelCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("Amount", "Real: (typing 'All' currently doesn't work, do it manually.)")] long betAmount)
if(betAmount < 0)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("Negative numbers are not allowed!");
var entry = EconDatabaseChecker(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id);
var entryParsed = entry[0].Split('|');
double playerMoney = Convert.ToDouble(entryParsed[1]);
double moneyEarned = 0;
if (betAmount > playerMoney)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("You do not have enough money!");
} else
var roll = rnd.Next(1, 8);
double multiplier = 1;
bool shit = false;
switch (roll)
case 1:
multiplier = 2.4;
shit = true;
case 2:
multiplier = 1.8;
shit = true;
case 3:
multiplier = 1.4;
shit = true;
case 4:
multiplier = 0;
case 5:
multiplier = 1.4;
case 6:
multiplier = 1.8;
case 7:
multiplier = 2.4;
if(shit == true)
moneyEarned = betAmount * multiplier;
AddSubtractUserMoney(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, -Convert.ToInt64(moneyEarned));
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"Money multiplied by -{multiplier}x, lost ${moneyEarned}! Sad!");
} else
moneyEarned = betAmount * multiplier;
AddSubtractUserMoney(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, Convert.ToInt64(moneyEarned));
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"Money multiplied by {multiplier}x, ${moneyEarned}!");
#region Economy Tools (I really need to stuff this into the library)
public void AddSubtractUserMoney(ulong userID, ulong guildID, long amount)
var entry = EconDatabaseChecker(userID, guildID);
var path = $@"{rootPath}\EconomyDatabase\{guildID}.csv";
var entryNumber = Int32.Parse(entry[1]);
var entryParsed = entry[0].Split('|');
var currentAmount = entryParsed[1];
long finalAmount = Convert.ToInt64(currentAmount) + amount;
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
lines[entryNumber - 1] = $"{userID}|{finalAmount.ToString()}|{entryParsed[2]}|";
WriteAllLinesBetter(path, lines);
//Thank you microsoft for requiring a rewrite of your entire method just to not have it add an extra new line at the end of a file. :tf:
public static void WriteAllLinesBetter(string path, params string[] lines)
if (path == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
if (lines == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("lines");
using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(path))
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
if (lines.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length - 1; i++)
writer.Write(lines[lines.Length - 1]);
public void MultiplyUserMoney(ulong userID, ulong guildID, float multiplier)
var entry = EconDatabaseChecker(userID, guildID);
var path = $@"{rootPath}\EconomyDatabase\{guildID}.csv";
var entryNumber = Int32.Parse(entry[1]);
var entryParsed = entry[0].Split('|');
var currentAmount = entryParsed[1];
float finalAmount = float.Parse(currentAmount) * multiplier;
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
lines[entryNumber - 1] = $"{userID}|{finalAmount.ToString()}";
WriteAllLinesBetter(path, lines);
/// <summary>
/// Finds the economy database entry for the specified UserID, or creates a new entry for the server/user if an entry for one is missing.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The contents, and line number of the entry if found, in a string array.
/// </returns>
public static string[] EconDatabaseChecker(ulong userID, ulong guildID)
int lineCount = 0;
string[] entry = { "noentry", "bingus" };
var path = $@"{rootPath}\EconomyDatabase\{guildID}.csv";
if (File.Exists(path) == false)
string entryToCreate = $"{userID}|100|none";
File.AppendAllText(path, entryToCreate);
foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(path))
var entryparsed = line.Split('|');
if (entryparsed[0] == userID.ToString())
entry[0] = line; //Contents of entry line
entry[1] = $"{lineCount}"; //Number of line in .csv file
if (entry[0] == "noentry") //If after the file has been searched, no entry has been found, create a new one and stuff it in the 'entry' variable
string entryToCreate = $"{userID}|100|none";
File.AppendAllText(path, Environment.NewLine + entryToCreate);
return entry;
return entry;