
167 lines
7.4 KiB

using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using DSharpPlus.SlashCommands;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace SuperMachoBot.Commands
public class SlashCommands : ApplicationCommandModule
public static string rootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
[SlashCommand("Avatar", "Gets high resolution avatar of specified user.")]
public async Task AvatarCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("user", "Discord user to grab avatar from")] DiscordUser du)
var color = new DiscordColor(2, 200, 2);
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Title = du.Username,
Color = color,
ImageUrl = Tools.General.AvatarParser(du)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed);
Random rnd = new Random();
[SlashCommand("StatRoller", "Rolls character stats for d&d 5e using the 4d6k3 calculation")]
public async Task StatRollerCommand(InteractionContext ctx)
int[] stats = { StatRoller(), StatRoller(), StatRoller(), StatRoller(), StatRoller(), StatRoller() };
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"{stats[0]}\n{stats[1]}\n{stats[2]}\n{stats[3]}\n{stats[4]}\n{stats[5]}");
public int StatRoller()
int[] rolls = { rnd.Next(1, 7), rnd.Next(1, 7), rnd.Next(1, 7), rnd.Next(1, 7) };
int result = rolls[0] + rolls[1] + rolls[2] + rolls[3] - rolls.Min();
return result;
[SlashCommand("EmbedTest", "Tests discord embed feature lol")]
public async Task DebugEmbedCommand(InteractionContext ctx)
var color = new DiscordColor(200, 2, 2);
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Title = "bruh",
Description = "bruh",
Color = color
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed);
[SlashCommand("Banner", "Gets the banner of the current server.")]
public async Task GuildBannerCommand(InteractionContext ctx)
var bannerUrl = ctx.Guild.BannerUrl;
if (bannerUrl == null)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("Error! Current server does not have a banner!");
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
ImageUrl = bannerUrl
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed);
[SlashCommand("UserInfo", "Gets info from user")]
public async Task UserInfoCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("user", "Discord user to grab info from")] DiscordUser du)
var hashcode = du.GetHashCode();
string[] Info =
$"**Account Creation Date:** {du.CreationTimestamp}",
$"**Account ID:** {du.Id}",
$"**User Language:** (Currently not functional)",
$"**Is Bot?** {du.IsBot}",
$"**Is Discord Admin?:** {du.IsSystem}"
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Title = $"{du.Username}#{du.Discriminator}",
Description = $"{Info[0]} \n {Info[1]} \n {Info[2]} \n {Info[3]} \n {Info[4]}",
ImageUrl = Tools.General.AvatarParser(du)
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(embed);
[SlashCommand("OwnerSetup", "Allows the owner to setup/change their guilds SuperMachoBot settings.")]
public async Task OwnerSetupCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("gemboard", "Channel to designate as gemboard.")] DiscordChannel dc,
[Option("gemamount", "Amount of gems required for a message to be added to gemboard.")] long gemAmount,
[Option("turboamount", "Amount of gem/coal required for a message to be added to gemboard as a gemerald/brimstone.")] long turboAmount,
[Option("gemEmoteId", "ID of emote to use as gem.")] string gemEmoteId,
[Option("coalEmoteId", "ID of emote to use as coal.")] string coalEmoteId)
if (ctx.Member.IsOwner)
if (!Directory.Exists(@$"{Program.databasePath}/{ctx.Guild.Id}/"))
if (!File.Exists(@$"{Program.databasePath}/{ctx.Guild.Id}/Config.json"))
if(!ulong.TryParse(gemEmoteId, out var gemEmoteParsed))
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("Invalid gem id! Try again!");
} else if (!ulong.TryParse(coalEmoteId, out var coalEmoteParsed))
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("Invalid coal id! Try again!");
} else {
var config = new List<GuildConfig>();
var configuration = new GuildConfig()
gemboardChannelId = dc.Id,
gemAmount = gemAmount,
turboAmount = turboAmount,
gemEmoteId = gemEmoteParsed,
coalEmoteId = coalEmoteParsed
if(Tools.General.CreateConfig(configuration, ctx.Guild.Id))
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"Configuration applied successfully!");
} else
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync($"Configuration NOT applied successfully! Yell at bot developer! NOW!!");
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync("You aren't owner. Stop trying to do owner stuff when you aren't an owner, peasant.");
[SlashCommand("EmbeddingTest", "Sends a placeholder embed for gemboard.")]
public async Task UserInfoCommand(InteractionContext ctx)
var bruhgimus = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Title = $"GEM ALERT!",
Description = $@"""""" + "\n" + "",
Thumbnail = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedThumbnail { Url = "" },
Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { IconUrl = ctx.User.GetAvatarUrl(DSharpPlus.ImageFormat.Png, 256), Text = "TestUser#0000" },
Color = DiscordColor.Red
}.AddField("Gem:", "[link](").Build();
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(bruhgimus);
public class PlayerData
public int CoordinateY;
public int CoordinateX;
public class Entry
public string UserId { get; set; }
public string Money { get; set; }
public string TimeSinceLastDailyUnixTimestamp { get; set; }