# Kiafumi Act 2022 **An act to permit the use of the Kiafumi Discord bot within official AP discord servers.** For more information on Kiafumi visit [here](https://oko.moe/kiafumi.htm). ## Definitions For the purpose of this document, the following words and phrases have been defined as such- 1. **AP** - Abbreviation for *the Arsenio Pact* 2. **Bot** - A user-made program utilizing Discord's account system to provide moderation and features to joined servers. 3. **Kiafumi** - A Discord bot made by user *oko*, site found [here](https://oko.moe). ## Motivation The AP's discords would benefit from automated role assignment, archiving, and other automatic administrative duties. Kiafumi is an actively maintained bot developed for use on *38.fail's* (1) hosted projects. It has already seen use on the *HC* (2) and *Fusee* (3) Discord servers. ## Implementation All AP managed Discord servers must: + Add and properly configure Kiafumi. + This includes access to the required permissions the bot needs to function. + Specifically a permission level of **139855252544**, not **8**. + The creation of a role to be assigned upon joining the server. + This can then be set via the **/setting set joinRole *< RoleID >*** command. + The creation of a channel made to be used by the bot to post join & leave messages. + This can then be set via the **/setting set welcomeChannel *< ChannelID >*** command. --- **Endnotes:** + (1) refers to the community behind HC and by extension The Arsenio Pact. + (2) refers to the discord server from which most AP states originate. + (3) refers to the discord server used by the developers of *OpenNAW* and *MiniCitidel*, both projects under the stewardship of *38.fail*.